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fAfB fCfD fEfF fGfH fIfJ fKfL fMfN fOfP fQfR fSfT fUfV fWfX fYfZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
france TELECOM internationa 16
france telecom +telephone 9
france telecom internationa 9
BLUE WATER france +arcs 21
CALL IN france BY CIF +towe 25
COLOR IS france +tower 2
DELICE de france 29
GAZ DE france +flame 1, 4, 19
GAZ de france +flame 11
HANUAYE france 1
LILY OF france 25
MARIE france +woman 3
MARIE france bodyline +woma 5
PIERRE le restaurant france 32
PIERRE restaurant de france 30
air france +stripes 12, 16
air france le club +stripes 12
children DIOR france 25
le restaurant de france 30
franchise MEET 41
franchise guru 35
indian franchise ASSOCIATIO 42
mrf PRETREADS franchisee 12
francisco 18
san francisco GIANTS 16, 25
franco SARTO 18, 25
franco leone PREMIUM 25
french franco FF +tower 25
frank furt VIMAL CREATIONS 24
franka ORANGE +wheel 32
emuge franken 7
MESSE frankfurt 35
MESSE frankfurt +squares 16
EZEEPOST franking machine 9
fredrick india P.E.C.S. 9
free +horses & crown 34
free SPIRIT +butterfly 25
free TIME 25
free ZONE 25
free india +bird 32
free living foundation +ova 45
free of trans fats +circle 30
free search +plant & hands 16, 35
free soul 25
free-SET 7
free-ink ROLLER +brid 16
10-SION free 5
1947 feel free to ask +phon 9
7UP free 32
ALEX syrup sugar free 5
AMUL sugar free 30
ANGEL free flow salt +food 30
AVON free wheel +cogwheel 12
BACTA free waterwash people 1
free 34
BF burn free 5
BFREE bacteria free +drop 11
free 38
CHECK MATE sugar free 29
CHOCOLIC sugar free +heart 5
CURRAE hassle-free +squares 44
CURRAE hassle-free healthca 42
DR. ZYGMET'S fdm sugar free 30
DUTY free 25
free 4
ELKOS free flow gel 16
ESSENSUAL 20 oil free +arcs 3
EVERY TIME free flow salt 30
FE free & easy +leaves 5
FFI free flow ink +circle 16
FIKAR-free 9, 16
FISBA free size +oval 25
FLAT free 12
FW free wheel 12
GBS care free step 5
INVIZA dirt-free ceramic 19
JIVO CANOLA 93% fat free 29
KALAVARA-margin free market 31
KSO chain margin free store 30
KSO margin free stores 29
LAKHAN free time namkeen 30
LIVE free 25, 35
ME free kit 5
MEDREL ache-free ESTOMAC 5
MR. MAID scrub free +hut 3
MUL-T-COP tension free 9
MUSTANG born free +horse 25
NATURAL FIRST free flow sal 30
NEVA live free 25
NU LOOK free flow salt 30
OFC oil free cooking 21
PMS free 5
POROMIX fibre free 17, 19
PUJA friction free 12
RELIANCE free borders 42
RELIANCE free minutes 38
RELIANCE free net 41
RELIANCE call free 38
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